Deze blog heeft als bedoeling de lezer aan te zetten tot nadenken over de Belgische vorm van democratie, die ernstig verminkt is. De analyses van Smithson vertrekken van een Vlaamsgezind standpunt, maar zijn wars van elke connotatie met onverdraagzaamheid, extreem-rechts, racisme of fascisme. Bedoeling is om door dialoog met andere zoekende democraten te komen tot een inhoudelijke basis ter legitimering van het Vlaamse onafhankelijkheidsstreven. contact: brechtarnaert apestaartje
vrijdag 18 april 2014
Madrid, 4th of July 2012. Question for Mr. Paul Krugman
Madrid, 4th of July 2012. Question for Mr. Paul Krugman: "You seem to focus on the question what macro-economic policy we need to get out of the crisis, but you do not adress the more fundamental question what policies have lead us here. If you would do so, I think you would have to conclude that it was Keynesian policies - creating inflation to combat unemployment - who got us in this mess in the first place. Why do you think the measures you propose will have a different effect this time?
Nervous answer: "All data point in that direction".
My reply: "But surely, Mr. Krugman, you must know that the way in which data is validated as evidence is subject to a certain methodological theory too. I am sure you are familiar with the critique of the Austrian School of Economics, which claims that the cardinal data required for Keynesian equilibrium calculus can only be generated in a free market, in which only ordinal valuations take place, rendering the whole theory of aggregate demand as a tool of government intervention and central planning useless. How do you defend your methodological assumptions about economic reality?"
Annoyed answer: "Excuse me. I promised to be home for dinner".
Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize Winner 2008.
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